PBT attack


I have a 100 gl and fish and coral. Everything is doing well. Recently I bought a green mandarin goby, but after being in QT I put him in the main tank and my Powder Blue Tang just started to attack him, stricking him with his tail. I intervened and got him out but he was injured and died the next day.
Why would the PBT attack? the mandarin was very peaceful and didn/t seem to bother anyone? I really want one but now I don't want to take the risk again. Any ideas why?


pbt are very aggresive once established and has his own territory, they really should be the last fish put in a tank, he may think the 100g tank is all his territory and the mandarin is such a peicefull fish and shouldnt be put with aggressive fish, what other livestock is in the tank fish wise?


Originally Posted by -Tara33-
pbt are very aggresive once established and has his own territory, they really should be the last fish put in a tank, he may think the 100g tank is all his territory and the mandarin is such a peicefull fish and shouldnt be put with aggressive fish, what other livestock is in the tank fish wise?


Active Member
FWIW my yellow tang did the same thing to a beautiful royal gramma. Can't wait to get the new butterfly's and hippo tang.


I just posted about my evil PBT a few weeks ago. These fish are VERY agressive and they have certain type of fish they don't like. Mine has always gone after my lawnmower blenny. Then lately I added a Lunare wrasse and it started attacking it too. But other fish it doesn't have a problem with. I added a dogface puffer and a sargassum trigger and the PBT never once showed agression towards them.


My PBT was the last fish a put in, I have a pair of tomato clowns, some chromis, 2 cardinals and another tang (YT). The YT got a little agressive with the PBT when he was first introduced, but after displaying his dominance, they get along fine now. I guess I didn't really want to add any more fish, just the mandarin, I think they are so gorgeous. Oh well, I will have to do with out one.
I do love the PBT though, he is so pretty and swims so fast all over the tank, I think you're right Tara, he feels it's all his tank now.
Thanks for the input


I plan to sell/trade my PBT once the weather warms up a little. Very pretty fish but his antics just stresses out all my other fish.