PC lighting and Chiller


Is it neccessary to get a chiller when running PC lighting. I am running a 55 gallon tank with 4 X 65 Bulbs. I haven't taken a temperature of the water yet because there is nothing in there yet. I was just curious to know if I may need one.


also are pc's safe to just put on a glass top on top of the tank. I have the satellite which comes with a built in fan.

mpls man

Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it myself , i removed the glass canopy from my 75 because of the heat and the oxygen exchange I'm currently running 300watts and a chiller because i have so many pumps running and the temp gets up there sometimes, by removing the glass you will have more water evaporation but i've herd that is good for the tank to keep adding r/o water. keep checking , just my opinion.


New Member
i have that exact same setup and my temp runs about 3 deg. warmer than room temp. I dont have a glass top on mine. the lights are probably 5'' from the water.