PC Lighting FS

I have a couple small things I'd like to get rid of if anyone can use them. I've got:
-Coralife 28W 50/50 PC for 10G tank, 20" long; about 2 months old
-Emperor 400 filter; 2 years old
-55G tank, glass, 48" long with flourescent light, has about an 2 inches of crushed coral in it
I was gonna keep the 55 and use it for a refuge when I get moved into my new place but thought it might be too big or an overkill? I'm new to the refuge building. I'd like to find some really bright corals for my 10G nano if anyone wants to trade for anything. I've got a 96W PC over my 10 now so I should have enough lighting for most anything other than clams I think. If anyone's interested drop me a line. Thanks. My email is schafer_eric@hotmail.com
I might also have a long tentacle anenome if the guy looking at it doesn't take it. I really want to get some bright corals or polyps in my tank so I'd like to trade for something. I don't have much other saltwater stuff to trade though. Have a 20 gallon tank with a flourescent light too if anyone wants it. Thanks


New Member
I would be intersted in the 55 maybe. Would you be willing to trade for a 30 gallon that you could use for a refuge or whatever? Please let me know.
I'd like to get rid of the 55G still but I really don't have a use for a 30G. Where do you live? I don't want to ship it since I think it would cost more than it's worth but if you're close enough you can pick it up we'll work something out. I'm in central Missouri. You can email me at schafer_eric@hotmail.com. Thanks