PC lighting, what is it


Hey guys I don't know if I'm the only one with this question or not but what are PC lights?
Posatives VS negatives
how do they compare to t5ho lights and MH.
Are they re omensed for coral or no?

al mc

Active Member
PC=Power Compacts. They are a basic fluorescent light. They are great for fish only tanks or reefs with corals that have little or no light requirements.
MH= Metal Halide and T5= fluorescent bulb type that gives off more light/Par
than PCs
If you want to have a reef with few limitations on the type of coral go for MH or T5.
PC...Inexpensive to buy/run/replace bulbs
MH...Expensive to buy/run/replace bulbs...you may need a separate fan or 'chiller to keep your tank temp controlled.
T5..Moderate expense to buy/moderate to replace bulbs/cheap to run
Hope this info helps.