PC lighting


I have a question - I currently have a 55 gal and have just started putting in corals about 2 months ago. Only soft - mushrooms,star polyps,leathers and the like. Researching this site and reading some books on the subject I went with those types of corals because I only have the Coralife compact PC and actinic set up ( close to 200 watt total). The consensus is that a minimum of 5-6 watts per gal is needed for hard corals and anemonies. But if I have 70 pounds of live rock in the tank, wouldnt that really be only a total of about 40 gal of water? So maybe my lighting set-up would accomodate hard corals and anemonies? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


New Member
Well I understand what your mean the rocks and substrate displaces alot of the water..... The watt per gallon rule refers to the tanks capaccity and not to the water volume... PC lighting is great for the softies like you mentioned... Although I would not add the harder corals without halides.... PC do not penatrate as deeply in sea water as halides.... And some corals like slightly different color spectrums than others... The stony corals require more Higher intensity deeper penetrating lighting....
Maybe if your increased the output of your PC's with the addition of an extra bulb or two your could place some hard corals high up in the tank closer to the lights.... How talll is the tank? is it a standard 55gal?
I would just stick with your softies for now
hope this helps


Thanks for the replies. I was thinking of replacing the blue actinice with PC but I kinda like the color they give to the tank. Also makes the mushrooms and green star polyps flouresce. I still not ready to go to hard corals yet. Taking it slow and one step at a time. I will upgrade sometime down the road to metal halides and a 125 gal tank I've had my eye on.:yes: