pc lighting


New Member
Can anyone that likes PC lighting help me out? I currently have the 48" SmartLite Hood with 2 65watt 50/50 bulbs in it. I don't think I have enough blue light, the tank is very white looking. It sounds like everyone in the Reef section likes VHO better but wanted some other input too. I went to my LFS and they said that those 50/50 bulbs aren't that great and I should buy one full blue actinic and on full 10K daylight bulb, so I did, but the bulbs only came in 24" bulbs. Now my tank is split right down the center, half blue, half white. My green mushroon is now shaped like an upside down umbrella reaching for light (it's on the blue side) and my purple mushroom closed completely. Before I changed the bulbs, the purple looked great, the green did better once I moved it higher in the tank (75 gal). Those of you that use PC lighting, do you have two hoods on top of the tank or how do you get the lighting right without using 50/50 bulbs? I'm getting so frustrated with this lighting. Everything else in my tank is good (water, etc). I'm thinking of upgrading to VHO since it seems to be better but if I don't have to, I'd rather not. I just don't want to sacrifice my corals. Any help is appreciated. Thanks again.
PS - sorry for rambling on.