PC lights and Filstar XP4 for sale


i have this stuff posted up for sale for a buddy of mine on here, i dont know much about it but i will do my best.
the XP4 is has everything needed inside of it, its about 3 weeks old. it ran him about $370. he wuold like to get about 250 or so, post up offers if you want.
48 Coralife power compact light - 4x65 watt w/led.
less then a month old..$300 obo.
any questions or offers post up on here because i will have him respond/ answer them to you.



not to sound like a jerk, but you can get XP 4 online for 170.00 new. Know from experience, i have three. Your friend may want to come down a little on that.


yea but it has a nwe bottole of chemi pure and carbon that comes with it along with an extra pack of bio chem stars and filtration pads.


bump compacts $225 obo lets get these things gone. great condition used for a month.