PC lights don't work!


Help! I am not only "lighting information impaired", I'm clueless.
I have an Oddysea 72' pc with 384 watts. There are 4 bulbs in the unit, 2 in each row. One of the rows quit working and when I plug in one of the bulbs from the "nonworking" row into another "working" socket, the bulb works. This tells me that I didn't have 2 bulbs burn out at once. Is there a ballast on PC units? If so, does anyone know where to buy one? Thanks in advance for any advice.

big fish

Sounds like the ballest to me.I also had the same problem with my oddysea 48in. it was the atinic side of the lights. I got a new ballest of the same size but made by diffrent people. You should be able to get your LFS to order you one. I hope that this helps

big fish

Hey sorry it took me so long to get back with you been very busey!! It is not that hard to replace its just that these are not the best built lights and they have cramed alot of crap into a very small space.Sorry but i dont have much of trick but it worked for me and that is to not remove the old one until you have the new one so you can trace the wires that you need to hook up. I wish you luck hope this has helped.


Thanks BIGFISH, I really appreciate the help. When you did the replacement, was it an actual odyssea ballast, or were you able to use a different brand? I'm having trouble finding one specifically for Odyssea.
Thanks again for your help.