PC or MH


Should i go with a pc set up or mh setup for my 29. either way it will be the only lighting i will have, i want some lps corals, and possibly a clam in the distant future.


Active Member
how much $$ you got? i recently got my pc's and have been fairly pleasantly impressed. but then again MH wasn't an option due to price.
i just bought a aqualight PC fixture for about 200 bucks at my LFS... it has 2 96 watt PC bulbs included.. should be more than enough for a 30 gallon.. its 196 watts.. almost 5 watts per gallon.
1 is daylight, the other atinic.
but anyway, im really happy with it, and i should be able to keep many different corals with 5 WPG
MH stuff is really expensive.. maybe ill go that way when i upgrade to my 75 gallon.


well what are you looking to spend???
I just set up a 400watt HQI pulse start ballast w/ 20000k radium bulb for a total of $200 including a 4" fan... w/ that it comes out to be 13 wpg... if you want you can then substitute morning and evening w/ NO actinic lighting for 20 bucks from any LFS..


well how about this post me your email or email me and i will tell you where i got my lights from and you can check it out I believe they will appeal to you... you could do a 175w MH setup for around 140 I believe that would be fine for a 29~~~>JMO