pc or t5


wich is better plan on doing myself but cant decide,mh out of question,every body talks about the t5 including LFS but you can get more watts for the space with pc or thats the way it seems to me,
need help


Active Member
t-5's. PC lighting gets spendy in replacement bulbs every 6 months (yes to be effective) while t-5 can go about 18 months and at half the cost.


this is totaly diy, it seems i can fit more t5 bulbs in my diy hood, can anybody recommend a ballast,thanx for the help jackri


Active Member
Check out the Icecap T5 retrofit from reefgeek.
Watts aren't important. You'll get more light with fewer watts of individually reflected T5ho than you will with PC.


I had purchased a couple of Hagen Glo T5HO ballast a few months ago and they are awesome. The come complete with end caps and stands for the bulbs. They come in two different sizes. I got the 2-54w ballast but those are for the 4ft bulbs. If you have a ***** around you check them out. Thats were I got mine from


Active Member
get t5s yes they are more expencive up front but well worth it in the long run. if u want retrofit get icecap they have great ballast and the best reflectors, but there is also giesemann and sunlights supply (tek) and current nova so that would be the best bet. i wouldnt go pc if u really want to keep sps or even lps lower