PC Question?



Hi all:
I'm getting a Power Compact retro kit for my ten gallon. It comes with one 28 watt 6700k ultra-daylight bulb and one 28 watt 7100k actinic blue bulb.
My question is... should I get rid of these bulb's and get better spectrum bulb's?
I don't plan on keeping any really tough corals right now. I'll upgrade these light's later.
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: Danielle ]
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: Danielle ]

mr . salty

Active Member
actually those bulbs sound pretty good.But I hope you realise that a 10 gallon tank is about the hardest size tank to keep healthy. They are difficult even for the experienced.Water conditions can change from good,to deadly in a matter of hours. I would highly suggest you go with something bigger.
Salty-You are definitely a pro at this hobby and I would never go against anything you say, unless I have experienced it. But again you gotta look at luck also. I have a 10 gallon and have had it up and going for about 6 months maybe longer now. It is fantastic!! It's a 10 gallon mini with green star polyps, purple star polyps, a couple different kind of leathers and some other kind of polyps (plates and dish), and various types of mushrooms. The only thing I have done in those 6 months is regular water top offs and some small water changes. I think I equaled out the ecosystem with critters and clean up crews. I have about 15lbs of lr and 15 lbs live sand. It's one of the coolest tanks I have ever had set up. If you can get the balance of the wastes and clean ups it's pretty easy. I love it. I'm getting a digital camera soon so I'll post some pictures. Sorry to disagree Salty, I value all of your info but I never would have said anything if I didn't experience it myself.

mr . salty

Active Member
You are one of the lucky few.I probably hear/read abot more problems with 10gallon tanks than anything else.GOOD JOB,can't wait to see the pics. I also have a 10 gallon (seahorse) tank.
Salty-Why don't you throw some of your 10 gal seahorse tank up on your page or throw them up here on the bb. I'd like to see it. After seeing your pics from the other tank, I'd love to see that one too. Salty-don't know if you here this much but I appreciate your help with all of the questions I asked. When I first started on this board I followed a lot of what you had to say. Paid of big time. Now if I can only get the freaking concept of a sump together!!! I want to put a sump under my 55 so bad but can't figure out plans. I want to get a CPR overflow but don't know what to do with the rest and the tubes and pumps and stuff. Just can't grab the concept!!!