peaceful crabs?


New Member
I have had a tank for about 6 months now but I have been interested in the industry for about 2 years. I was wondering if their are any particularly peaceful crabs? That would be a huge help if any one could respond because I am thinking of getting a new reef tank and I would need peaceful crabs.
Thanks for your time


I would say porcelain crabs are one of the least aggressive. I would avoid arrow crabs as they are notorious fish eaters.


you have to keep an eye on any crab you put into the tank. even the most peaceful emerald crab will snag a sleeping fish or snail if its hungry enough. my friend has an emerald in his 12G who LOVES the taste of zoas and frogspawns. imo, crabs are best left on sump duty unless your going to go out of your way to specifically feed them.