Pearl Scaled Butterfly Abbrassion


Hello All,
I need some advice regarding my pearl scaled butterfly.
I added the fish 5 days ago. yesterday I noticed he has what looks like an inch long abbrasion on one side in the upper middle portion of its body. The abbrasion is slightly pink in the very center where it looks like scales are missing. There is a bitt of dicoloration(darker) in the same location on the other side of its body, though this is much smaller and no scales appear to be missing.
Could it be that he scraped himself up on my live rock or is this a disease?
Parameters -
2 year old 55 gallon tank
Amonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 3PPM
Temp - 80 Degrees F
Salinity - 1.021
PH 8.1
Tank Mates - 1 Clarkii Clown, 1 Blue/Green Chromis, 1 purple Dotty Back, Brittle Star, 2 peppermint shrimp.


Active Member
Has anything been harrassing this fish?
Is the fish eating?
Is the fish breathing rapidly or showing signs of stress?


The fish is not being harrassed from what I can tell.
Fish eats well, Vitamin soaked frozen mysis and Brine.
Fish was a skittish for the first couple days in the tank...that's when I think he may have scraped against the live rock. He seems to be a bit more at ease the last couple days.
Breathing does seem more rapid than normal.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
If you're seeing a bilateral abrasion, the fish may have simply gone btween two pieces of rock, and brushed one pretty close. If it was spooked, and darted quickly, that may have caused the injury. You need to watch for signs of bacterial infection at this point. Increased redness, streaking, etc...You might try adding a bit of stress coat to the tank. Do you have a quarantine tank to use if the fish requires medication?


Got home from work last night and the fish was dead. Very disapointing. He seemed fine for first 3 days and then died within 24 hours of noticing the abbrasion. Base on the speed of his decline I doubt it was just a scrape. Must have been an infection of some kind. Other fish and inverts are completely fine.
Thanks for everyone's input.