Pearl Toby Pufferfish


I'm wondering if anyone knows about this fish.
1.) Is it hard to care for?
2.) How large does it get?
3.) how large of a tank does it need?
4.) Could it live with cleaner shrimp?
5.) Is it reef safe?
I would like to get some cleaner shrimp, a starfish and maybe a small fish for my 12 gal, fish only tank. And I'm considering all types of fish for it.
Thanks to anyone who is able to give me any input.


most puffers are not reef safe, not meaning that they eat corals, just meaning that they tend to munch on most inverts, specialy shrimp(sorry)u could try it, im pretty sure there fine with most other fish, theyr not too hard to keep, but im not experienced with puffers. they should be fed with meaty, frozen, and sumtimes live food, my frend had one and it refused to eat flakes. i will try to get more info specifically on the pearl toby


New Member
I'm concidering the peral toby too. I have a 45 gal with a spotted hawk and a percula clown. Would He be a good addition to my tank? I've had a valentini befor and really enjoyed him.


Does anyone know if the pufferfish could be kept alone in the 12 gal tank?
They are so neat, if that's all I could keep in the tank, that would be fine.
How big do they get?
Any info on this fish would be great. I will not buy it until I'm sure I can care for it and give it a happy home.
Thanks anyone and everyone for your input!


no way, puffers need much more room than that, sry. they get big and eat very messy. so this will increase ur bioload. it is too small. do u have any other tanks that it could go in, if so wats in em now?


also in captivity puffers can get to be at least a foot long, ive seen them at teh rainforest cafe. but they ussually wont get that big, however most usually get to about 6 in. sum smaller sum bigger. u never know how big a fish can get, cuz i saw an 8 year old maroon clown that was about 7 inches.


Thanks everyone for your input.
Thanks to you. I think there are some puffers that stay small? I just had no idea if this type got big or not.
I'll stick to my plans on have a few cleaner shrimp and maybe a
starfish in the 12 gal.