pecking Damsels


New Member
I'm a beginner with a tank about four months old now and have 2 damsels left (down from four) and a tomato clown. It appears that my domino has pecked two of the other damsels to death by nipping their tails and scales off. I know they do this, but does it usually end up in death? What can I do? I'm sure he will kill the other one soon. (Already has a large nip out of the tail.) Do I let it take its course? I was hoping to get a tang soon so was thinking that maybe its best just to keep the killer damsel because he would fare better against a tang.


I had a problem with my domino damsels doing the same thing to my clowns so I moved the damsels to a 10 gallon tank by themselves. This tank is my quaranteen tank so they help keep it up and running until I add new fish. You could always take them back to the pet store for credit!


Domino damsels are horribly mean. With the dominoes, it almost always ends up in death. My tang runs away from the damsel and hides in the rock. There used to be two, but this morning I sneak attacked one of those little SOBs. It's a 200gal tank and the 11" blue hippo tang runs and hides from a damsel that is about 1.5 inches long.


New Member
I think I will take the little @#%* back to the fish store before he chow the yellow tail. Thanks for the responses.


Active Member
Good Luck! I tried everything and had to give up and take out all the LR. Then caught 4 blue damsels in less than 5 minutes in a 75 gall. You might want to get the yellow tail out as well, while you're at it. Good Luck again ;)