Pecula clown/ anenome


New Member
About 2 months ago I went to my lfs and asked them what kind of anemome would work with my pecula clown, and they told me a bubble tip. They both are fine, but don't co exist. I have 2 questions now, What kind of fish live with the bubble tip, and what kind of anenome are best with Pecula clowns?


not all percs will take an anemonie for a host.its a hit or miss. ive also been told that tank raised have a lesser chance than wild. also, how long have they been in the tank together ? they dont just run together, it may take a little while. just another thought
[ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: Nosmada ]


I have a tomato clown that absolutely loves his bubble tip anenome. I also just bought two conde anenomes and the tomato has taken to the pink/purple one. Hope it helps.


Don't be sad as my Percula and Anemone don't co-exist together either :(
Here's an analogy based on what I have noticed so far
-If your water quality is bad
-If your lighting is not sufficient
-Setup (liverock/livesand organization) not good
-And number of other reason
Anemone usually moves around to find a good place. So, clown notices that and stays away from the anemone.
But when you meet all the above requirement, anemone sticks to one spot and clown realizes that to be a steady home :D
Although I'm not successful yet, I notice my Percula at least checking out my Long Tentacle Anemone. Two times he almost landed, but decided to wait longer. :rolleyes:
I heard (exp folks, please correct me) Maroon Clowns are most likely to choose a host over other clowns.
While it is not advisable to mix species, if I don't see my percula choosing the anemone, I am going for a maroon one (later might trade the existing one. Seeing clown in an anemone is one of the significant reasons why I am in this hobby! :p


Active Member
the only clown fish i've ever had that tried to use an anemone was a tomato clown. He died 2 days after i got him due to ick. He liked a coral...not an anemone, of course the coral hated him! Anyways, my perc clown stays away from everything and my maroon clown did the same thing. The tomato's are much better with anemone's then the percs in my opinion..

class clown

From what I've discovered so far from reading all kinds of articles, the clown that will accept bubble tip anemones are clarki-type clowns, all tomato-type clowns, and maroon clowns. Perculas and false perculas will accept bubble tips in a few rare occasions, and if they do it might take them a few months.
Some anemones I know of that will be accepted by your perculas are the sebae (true perc only), ritteri, and carpet anemones.
Good luck!


I have had my BTAs for a few months.
Intersting thing though....
Last week I saw my False Perc showing a
Symbiotic relationship for a few hours for
the first time.
Haven't seen it do it since though?
[ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: BlueWater ]


from my knowledge and hearing, percs will not live in a bubble or long tip. the best anenemone for percs are carpets. they bond really well.i think ur lfs is wrong.
good luck!
flame :D


New Member
Thanks to all of you who took the time to answer me,From now on I will research here instead of asking the lfs. This is an excellent board!


New Member
I have a perc clown that has been in the tank for some time. I recently added a smaller mate for the clown and they instantly bonded. About a week later talking with my 'fish advisor' he suggested that I may be able to add a bubble tip to the aquarium. I added the bubble tip and the older per took to it the first day that I put the bubble tip in. The bubble tip moved over the next few days to find the sweet spot and the perc moved with it. The interesting thing has been the smaller perc. At first the larger perc would not allow him near the bubble tip even though he would get in ther occasionally when he was not looking. Now after about 2 weeks it seems as though they are both sharing the bubble tip. One will be inside while the other rubbing itself along the bottom of the bubble tip. It is really funny watching the interaction between the three of them.
About all i can do is share my experience as I am very new to saltwater fish and inherited my 75 gal from the prior homeowner.