penguin bio-wheels?



are these good for anything? I have two running my 33 gallon (they are good for a 60 each i think) oh yeah thats freshwater, would it make a difference if i clened them and put them in my 77 gallon salt?
I'm using a fluval 404 and cheap protein skimmer with 15 lbs live rock right now.


Active Member
What do you plan to keep?
Bio-wheel filters do what they're designed to do. Problem is when you expect more out of them than they can deliver. I'd replace the wheels with new ones if you're transferring to SW. They will certainly provide biological filtration to a SW setup complementing your LR/LS if you go that route. Some remove them for reef setups as they may exacerbate nitrate production.
Tell us more about your plans.


its just a fish only with live rock (and only 15 pds at that), i wanted to supplement my filtration because lack of live rock and i thnk that my fluval 404 is insufficient for my 77 gallon(plus the penguin is just lying around gathering dust.


I had a penguin set up in my 90 reef. I removed all filter media except the wheel. I then added a really large sponge to gather particles and give cops. a place to hide. It was awesome for what I wanted.... a place for pods and sponges to grow in the dark. It spawned huge numbers of pods, limpets, snails, and sponges. When the pump went out it had 2 sponges in there bigger than a quarter and ball shaped. 1 was bright blue (which is probably why I have 5 blue sponges that spontaniously showed up and keep spreading) and 1 was plain white.
I've never used one for an actual filter though.
I have heard of people lighting them (with the lid off) and using them as little hang-on-refugiums.
Just my .02


I had a penguin w/ a bio wheel for awhile. I got rid of it cuz it splashed and got salt everywhere. I havent heard of anyone else having that problem so maybe i had a bad one or something


what is/purpose of a refugium?, i might just use my penguin for that.