pepermint shrimp

I suspect this little bas%$red of eating my yellow and star ployps.
Will he also eat the flower pot I just got?
other suspects include: cleaner shrimp, green brittle star, and hippo tang.


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp will eat polyps. If by flowerpot you mean Gonipora, I wouldn't really worry about the shrimp but Goni's almost never last long in a tank.
I can't say if it is Gonipora, or not. LFS had it listed as flower pot. they look like a cross between green ster polyps and xineia. (misspelled again) they come in a red varity and can whithdraw into a stony-like rock.
That sucks. I realy like it. Goni's about the most beautiful thing in my tank.
It would seem very irresponsible for lfs to sell something that is known to die. even for pros.
it was relitivly inexpencive too.

nm reef

Active Member
It is possible for peppermints to take a liking to yellow polyps and /or GSP's....but...I keep 5 peppermints with assorted polyps and GSP's with no problems. Are you confident that you have peppermints and not camelbacks? They can look alike(close anyways)...and the camelbacks are known to be much more aggressive.
A lot of folks think goniporas should not be retailed...they can be very difficult to adaquately provide for and from what I've come to believe they seldom last longer than 3-6 months in most displays. True....numerous LFS's sell them...and lots of folks are attracted to them...and sadly they are relatively in-expensive...but sadly they don't have a good track record and most die of starvation due to a lack of proper food sources.