pepermint shrimp ?


New Member
I know I just read on here somewhere a couple of weeks ago about someone with peppermint shrimp eating feather tubes, but I cannot find the posting.
I bought three peppermint shrimp for my 24G nano to control the anemones (there were a BUNCH of them). Within a week, the anemones are gone. Now I am noticing they are eating my feather tubes!!!!
If they ate all the anemones, will they still continue to come back? Where do they come from? Is there a better way to control the outbreak? I tried Joe's Juice, and I think they actually liked it! They would look dead for a couple of days, and then come right back.
Should I remove all the peppermint shrimp? Maybe leave one? Will feeding more maybe reduce their appetite for my tubes?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


Hey, the same thing is happening to us. We also bought 5 peppermints to control our anemone problem and our feather tubes that covered our live rock were gone in a day. We also have a large feather duster that is about 2 inches and I think the shrimp pestered it so much it died. It did fine till we bought the shrimp then it started to shed and finally now it won't come out. Sorry this didn't really help you but we do feel your pain!


I would lean towards removing two of them. The one remaining can munch on any new aptasia without causing to much destruction due to hunger. I figured out that two in my 90g is just about the right number. I haven't seen any aptasia growing for several months now and they have enough to eat so they don't do any damage to the feather dusters.