pepperment shrimp


please somebody help. i just bought 2 pepperment shrimp cause i have some aptasias in my tank, but i didnt even think about if they will harm any of my corals. So please i would like feed back from anybody who has owned these guys.


Active Member
I have no video proof, but I have suspected my pepermint shirmp of eating away at my clams, and numerous corals. I have not seen him in about a month now, so no loss or tears here...

I suspect he is a goner, because I have noticed that the aptaisia has slowly resurfaced, but in hindsight, I would just about rather deal with that myself than to put up with the Pep.


I've never seen my peppermints bother anything other than aptasia. But if the aptasia is large they won't eat it. It has to be in its tiny tender stage.
I had a peppermint that liked rics, shrooms, and a beautiful nem. I actually watched him do it on several occasions. But I have had many more, prolly dozens that never touched anything.


was it eating them or cleaning them off? Mine picks around the rocks mine are on but I never see it eat them.
Originally Posted by Garick
was it eating them or cleaning them off? Mine picks around the rocks mine are on but I never see it eat them.
Oh no....he was eating them. I watched him go through a whole mushroom at one sitting.


Active Member
Mine had a taste for feather dusters. Ate every Christmas tree worm off a porites rock before I captured him and sent him back to the fish store.


I think that there should be a "use with caution" associated w/ all "reef safe" inverts. They're scavengers, which means they will find what they want to eat.
I have not had any issues with peppermints eating corals, but they also did not remove the aiptasia. It is not a guarantee that they will eat it. I did have a skunk cleaner shrimp eat a mushroom and a feather duster and I've owned two emerald crabs that ate zoanthids so nothing is 100% reef safe. If you have small aiptasias, you should be okay, but the question is, "What will the get a taste for once they eradicate the aiptasia?"
All that being said, I do personally believe peppermints to be a valuable addition to a CUC. I think often people are sold camel shrimp instead of peppermints and this is what causes the problem. I've seen LFS selling "peppermints" that were actually camels.


lol omg. I got up today and my stupid peppermint has eaten like 6 heads off my rock with gold button polyps. That DIRTY!

I should toss his sorry butt in with my softball size decorator crab and let that thing use him as parts :p