Peppermint shrimp and aptasia


New Member
Do Peppermint shrimp eat aptasia? I saw a post that stated they do.
I have a Copperband Butterfly but he hasn't started eating them, or anything for that matter, yet.


Originally Posted by ScottS2002
Do Peppermint shrimp eat aptasia? I saw a post that stated they do.
Mine did and I haven't seen anymore since I put them in the tank.


Active Member
Ifd its a true peppermint it is entirely possible it will eat aip. however there is no guarantee. MIne did initially then found other food sources they preferred for some reason or other...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
Ifd its a true peppermint it is entirely possible it will eat aip. however there is no guarantee. MIne did initially then found other food sources they preferred for some reason or other...

I have 6 peppermints and they have never touched my aiptasia.