Peppermint Shrimp and Aptasia


Active Member
Never tried a peppermint shrimp. a friend did, and the thing did nothing to the aptasia.
I did have a nassarius snail eat a small one though!!! Watched him do it, I was dumbfounded!


New Member
I had some aptasia and got a peppermint shrimp. Within three weeks all aptasia was gone. Ive heard though,not all peppermints wiil eat them.

blue dew

I had 2 large aiptasia and about 6 small ones that came on the first piece of live rock in my tank. They were spreading pretty quickly before I introduced one Peppermint Shrimp. Within two days he's wiped all the Aiptasia out except for one which is still hanging on (although 1/4 of the size it used to be). I'm hoping he takes that one out too. As for the polyps, I've got soem Anthelia that I recieved with a kit and the peppermint shrimp hasn't bothered them at all.


i heard that peppermints are docile. We had one that only picked at our anemone, but other than that, no.

blenny dude

i have a peepermint. it ate all the aiptasia that ws in my tank. i bought a clam recently adn there was aiptasia in one if its scales. it stung the clam, but i took a exacto knife and killed it.


my peps ate all the small ones but left one very large aptasia, took care of that one myself.


New Member
I had a horrible time with aiptasia - dozens of them all over my 55 gallon tank. I ended up buying about 6 peppermint shrimp. Initially, the shrimp were small and did a very poor job. It took about 4-6 weeks but they finally cleared the tank.

blue dew

Man, I hope my peppermint leaves my mushroom alone. The aiptasia and mushroom both showed up on the same rock. So far he hasn't touched it. Just have to make sure he doesn't get too hungry