Peppermint Shrimp -Coral Muncher


New Member
I was watching T.V last and happend to glance at my tank. MY PEPPERMINT SHRIMP WAS ALL OVER MY ELEGANCE CORAL. At first I thought he was just walking across it, but I saw little flouescent green particles coming from his grubby pinchers or whatever they have. Needless to say he was gone in about 2 minutes. Anything that screws with my elegance will become extinct real fast. Come to think of it, my plate coral all of a sudden went from great to half dead over night.....HMMM maybe my shrimp have been busy. I'm still debating about catching the over peppermint shrimp. Any ideas???????
75 gall, Remora hang on, 330 VHO, various mushrooms, torch coral, sun polyp, candy cane coral, plate coral (whats left), elegance coral,yellow tang, maroon clown, 2 emeralds, 2...oops 1 peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, serpeant star, some snails, blue legs, 2 sexy shrimp, scarlets, 80 lbs lR, CC


Active Member
Are you sure it is a peppermint shrimp? There is another type that looks like a peppermint but has a humpback that does eat some coral. I can't think of the name right now but I remember it being refered to as a "sexy" shrimp.


New Member
Absolutely sure it is a peppermint shrimp. Sexy are smaller and have pink spots all over them and wave their tails all day.


Ah, sorry to but in here but where can I get one of these sexy shrimp? Wiggling their tails in the air all day? How can I resist? <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />


sure it is not a camel shrimp; sometimes LFS never know what they are seling as far inverts go & will misname like species w/o a second thought


That's not normal behaviour for a peppermint shrimp. Did you check the U-Build It package at left and look at the picture of peppermint and camels? My camels ate some yellow polyps before they were yanked, but the peppermint shrimp don't bother anything. I have seen camels misidentified in some not so great LFS as peppermints.
As for the rest of the conversation above, this is getting way too kinky.