Is this normal? My Frog spawn is far from dead. Its actually has gotten bigger since I bought it. I noticed 5 seconds ago the shrimp digging into it and the frogspawn retracting inside as its doing it. What gives?
It was ripping the frog spawn out, pieces were floating in my tank which scared me because they sting other corals. I have a penny sized area missing now on the left side.. I took the shrimp out. I scared him away then put some food in thinking it was hungry. he went right back at it.
Since pep shrimp are often added to eat aiptasia, it does not surprise me when I hear of them eating other similar things I'm afraid It is not much of a leap from Aiptasia to frogspawn, IMO.
I actually had a cleaner shrimp for awhile until he got comfortable in the tank. I would feed my coral and even when the coral closed up trying to eat/digest the food he would still try and open them up and get to the food. He went back to the lfs.
Originally Posted by fishhunter http:///forum/post/2896194
This means there is not enough food inthe tank for it.
I have had the shrimp for a while. It has molted 4 or 5 times since I have had it doubling in size. I even stated in the above post I put food in their thinking it was hungry and it went right back to the frog spawn. This was the first time I have seen him do it. I watched him for a little bit to see if it was eating it and it wasnt. It was just ripping what it could out of it.
What i have herd from people with similer probelms is that the shrimp now has a "taste" for corals. So ya they are a really easy target that is always there. Think about it once it figgers out that they can eat the corals why go and scavange food...