peppermint shrimp has eggs


Active Member
how long does it take for peppermint shrimp eggs to hatch and wut is the chances the babies will survive with the cover of the rocks


they dont have eggs my pepperments spawn once a month under my moon lights. i se speeks and turn on my lights threre's hundreds of them there like baby brine shrimp but red.
None of mine make it through the night either the fish eat them ar the filter get them. Ive even tried putting them in my fuge but still no luck.


Actually Peppermint Shrimp do carry eggs, the females carry the eggs to maturity at which point they do spawn... So what you see right now is a fresh batch of eggs...


Active Member
mine had babies like a month agoe here the pic of them. they have spwaned 2 times as far as i know but thevery eats the young ones


Active Member
Cleaner shrimp such as peppermint shrimp are all hermaphrodites, both male and female. So, all you need are 2 shrimp and they are likely to spawn. Both shrimp usually carry fertile eggs at the same time, and seem to spawn the same time as well. The shrimp fry are for all practical purposes impossible to raise.
edit: just thought of this, why is this in the photography forum?


Active Member

Originally posted by krishj39
Cleaner shrimp such as peppermint shrimp are all hermaphrodites, both male and female. So, all you need are 2 shrimp and they are likely to spawn. Both shrimp usually carry fertile eggs at the same time, and seem to spawn the same time as well. The shrimp fry are for all practical purposes impossible to raise.
edit: just thought of this, why is this in the photography forum?

oh sorry for got to get out of photography and put it into reef