Peppermint shrimp losing color


New Member
I have one Peppermint shrimp that has been in my tank for about 2 months. He doesn't seem to be as red anymore. Sometimes he even looks kinda clear. Is he not getting enouhg nutrition. I don't see him much because he hides most of the time, but he does come out each evening when I feed the fish. He seems to be eating well and I feed the tank a varied diet of frozen foods, flake foods, live brine shrimp, dried seaweed, etc.
Water parameters check out ok.
0 NItrates
0 Nitrites
0 Ammonia
PH 8.0-8.3 (depending on the time of day I check it)


He may be getting ready to molt (lose his outer shell), mine will look real pale for about 2 days before he molts. If this is the case, there's nothing to worry about, means he's getting plenty of food and just out growing his outter armor.