peppermint shrimp predators


I noticed today that my peppermint shrimp was not in the tank today. I haven't seen him for a few days as a matter of fact and I ca't find him in any of the crevases or powerheads. He's not on the floow either. I only have small fish in the 37 gallon tank- 2 damsels and a clown- along with a emerald crab and assorted hermits. Would the emerald have eaten him?


New Member
Regarding the disappearing peppermints...
I have a couple in my 65g, they really can hide! If they don't come out at feeding time, I've found mine by turning the lights out, waiting a while, then going hunting with a dim flashlight. Sometimes it seems like they go on vacation for a few days. ;)
Not a likely predator in the list you posted.
Good hunting.


My coral banded is awol most of the time as well. He is starting to come out a little more when the lites are on, but for the most part he hides in the reef. They sure are great looking, they should be out more ! Wait a few days b4 you give him up for dead though. Do you have enough rocks in the tank where he could be hiding ?


um actually in that size of tank & w/ ust damsels in there...well damsels love live food; we can get them usually from $1-1.99 each, so not so bad;if you see empty husk;may mean it molted; IMO best kept in groups;will spawn & act as fish food; could try seeing them after lights out after couple hours maybe


Active Member
i almost never saw ours(before we traded him)
but if you want to hunt anythign with a flaslight, get a red lense cover, it does not project a beam and therefore does not spook near as bad as a regular light