peppermint shrimp question


I am having the hardest time with peppermint shrimp
I had 3 in 3 different tanks, I had to move them all to the same tank for there own protection
New tank mates in other tanks, 1 halk fish and 1 coral bandit. So after the other 2 joined the 3rd a day later DOA I driped themjust like i did the first time I got them. Ok now I picked up 3 at the LFS and floated them and added water every 15 mins for 1.5 hours. then released. I watched em for a little while then went to dinner. I returned just intime to see 1 dieing
..... drifting in the current till he drift into the Pink Tip Haitian Anemone .... well that all she wrote for him
I found one hiding under the rock work looking ok. the 3ed Is MIA Im guessing he drifted off to his death also. I do know that whit snail that only comes out of the sand when somthing dies or at feeding time was out and about. ( cant rember his name) Any Ideas what i am doing wrong or am i doomed to 1 peppermint per tank?


there about the same every time i check. but the last time they all went into the same tank at the same time stright from the LFS


Active Member
If they go into shock and die that quick it's probably a salinity issue. Next time you're at the store you should ask what the salinity of their invert tanks are and compare it to yours.
I've had the same issue with cleaner shrimp.


I found the MIA shrimp so i only lost 1
He was hiding in the center of the rockwork at the bottom
So 2 of 3 lived. Still pisses me off but what can you do


I had two Peppermints and I too think one died. I think that one of my 7 huge bristle worms got him though. Do you have Bristle worms?


glad it was atleast put to good use in death. i had three in a 46-gal and had to bust up the trio cause they were turning my tank into gangland and taking over.