Peppermint shrimp questions please look


I have 5 peppermint shrimp in my tank they have been in there going on four months, the other day I noticed that one of them had what looks to be eggs under the tail.
My question is if these are eggs will they survive or will they be food and if they are eggs should I remove the shrimp from the tank.


Peppermint shrimp can be breed in captivity, but it is fairly dificult. You will need a QT/Breeding tank with good water and a fine sand bed and a corse gentle airstone only for circulation. Water temp needs to be about 80 degrees. Lighting doesn't need to be anything fancy, but it needs to be on a timer at the same interval that your daylights are on on the main tank.
The real trick comes in being able to notice when the eggs are ready to hatch. You will notice the egg mass darken as the time approaches. Move the egg ladden shrimp to the QT tank when you see this. Now you have to watch carefully. The eggs will hatch shortly after the lights go out. Remove the parent at once or the larvae will be eaten.
Feeding is the next hurdle. The lavae will accept only live rotifers, and you will need to maintain a constant supply for at least the first week. (There are commercially prepared microencapsulated rotifers for breeding farms, but I don't think they are available to the public) As the larvae become larger you can shift to newly hatched brine shrimp.
If you get them to survive to this point you can begin feeding larger food and start weaning them from the live food. GOOD LUCK!