peppermint shrimp safe?


Active Member
I am getting some peppermint shrimp.
I have all non agressive fish except for a yellow tail damsel.
Will the shrimp be safe with him?


I had a camel back shrimp in my 45 with 3 yellow tailed ba*$#rds, and they never bothered him. I think your's will be fine.


Active Member
Do you keep corals? If so you should know a lot of people have trouble with them picking at or killing polyps like yellow polyps, button polyps, sea mat and other simular corals.


Active Member
I have had 10 or so in my tank for a while now with no problems. I have heard some say they pick at corals but have never observed this myself.


Hey dad, I got a peppermint about a month ago and he has not screwed around with any of my corals, I originaly got him to see if he would kill my aptasia, but he wouldn't touch it. I also have yellow polyps and he hasn't messed with them either. The only shrimp I have had problems with is a saron shrimp, he killed most of my aptasia and started to screw with my polyps but I chased him off of them and he hasn't messed with them since.