Peppermint shrimp spawning? & molting ques.


New Member
I have a 40 gal reef tank w/a janitor reef package I purchased from A wet/dry trickle system supports the tank. Well last night I was changing the filter material prior to the trickle system, and I noticed some tiny, off white, shrimp looking creatures on the filter! Could these possibly be the offspring of my peppermint shrimp? If so what should I do, and how many might there be? I also have 2 emerald crabs, 1 coral banded shrimp, many reef scarlet and blue leg hermits, and a sally lightfoot. Is it okay to leve their molted remains in the tank? Also only one of my emeralds has molted, and when it did it grew about twice the size it was before?, but one pincher is a runt. Is this normal? Will it grow in when he molts again? How often do emeralds molt?


not to worry... the critters in the filter may be any of the mentioned.... crabs,hermits,or shrimp...... I leave the exoskeltons in the tank when my inverts shed!!!! it gives minerals back to the tank.... as for the pincher with the crab one is usally bigger than the other to scare off any potencial problem with anything....


New Member
the same thing jusy happened to me-dozens of tiny shrimp in my filter of my trickle system. i tried placing as many of them back in my tank as i could, but they immediately became fish food. would love to see some of them survive