Peppermint Shrimp


New Member
I bought 2 new peppermint shrimp last week and they seem to have a taste for my snails. I did research before I bought them and never read that they are snail eaters. So far they have killed all 4 of my Trochea snails and are now picking on my Nassarius Snails. I am getting ready to take them back to the LFS. Do I have overly aggressivve shrimp, or did I miss something in my research?


I have had peppermint shrimp in the past and they have been great. They never attacked my snails, but I had large turbo snails. If you have the small snails, those are snacks for ANY fish. especially if the snail dies (which often happens, especially the small ones). I would make sure you drop sinking food for your snails (they will love it and be more apt to not munch on mR Snail) Get the shrimp pellets and drop them right on top of where the shrimp hang out. It will definetly tide them over and deter them (hopefully) Good luck!


Active Member
I have peppermint shrimp and have never had them go after my snails. However I had a skunk cleaner shrimp and now I recall seeing him pick at my large mexican turbo snails. I wonder if he was actually hurting them or just cleaning them. That might explain why all my mexican turbos always ended up dying...