peppermint shrimp


New Member
i have a coral banded in my reef tank and was wondering if i could add a peppermint shrimp to help out with aptasia. with out having any problems


It depends on the territory that has been outlined by your coralbanded. Also how big is you tank, if you are pushing a 125 gallon reeef tank, I would say go for it, but if this a 30 gallon then I would be sketchy. You can learn by experience, for wild animals do strange things. Go for it!! if not there will be some good food in the tank for everyone and you will be out a couple of bucks.
A coral banded and peppermint sounds a bit risky unless you do have a large tank (around 125 gl) because corals can get a bit nasty and peppermints are a little shy. If you do decide to get the peppermint, I would get at least two.


I don't reccomend it.... the coral have bigger pinchers and are a preaditory creature. unless he is just a small one (under 2") i wouldn't do it.....


i know that this isnt helping but i like to read all of these and i don't yet know what aptasis is? thanks. also is a coral banded a type of crab? sorry for the inconvience.


New Member

Originally posted by t_larz:
i know that this isnt helping but i like to read all of these and i don't yet know what aptasis is? thanks. also is a coral banded a type of crab? sorry for the inconvience.

aptasia is an unwanted anemone like a weed that grows on the live rock. it can spread fast. a coral banded is a shrimp that can get preety nice sized. mine is about 5 or 6 inches.