Peppermint Shrimp


Im so darn upset just the otherday I bought a maroon clownfish when I went to put him in my aquarium... he was swimming around went to the bottom of the tank... one of my peppermint shrimp came right out and started grabbing at him and trying to like bite the clown... my clown of course swam away. Now this morning I found the clown dead. Could my peppermint shrimp had killed him? Oh a day before he died he would like swim to the bottom and lay on his side but then start swimming again... We thought the clown was trying to host something... So did not pay too much attention to it. Can I add another fish in there?


Active Member
if he fell to the bottom when u first put him in is prolly noy a good sign. how did u acclimate? how long? water parameters?


he did not fall to the bottom... after awhile he just swam down there. for 45 minutes in the bag.
ph 8.2
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
saltinity 1.023


Active Member
I've never heard of a peppermint shrimp killing a fish. If the shrimp was trying to get on him, he was probably trying to clean him.


Active Member
I seriously doubt a peppermint shrimp killed a healthy clown or even a sick clown. All the shrimp are is creatures of opportunity. Something that dies, they find and make a meal out of it. There is better ways to acclimate a fish or other critters than 45 minutes in a bag. What did yu do, just float the bag or what> 2 or 3 hours is extreme, and in my opinon would do just as much harm by inducing stress than no acclimating at all. 45 minutes in a container, to which yu add water and remove water etc etc etc is fine, but just floating a bag is not the way....Not saying thats what you did as you did not say anything other than 45 min of aclimation. A clown is not going to swin to the bottom and lay there.... they are a fish in constant motion for the most part........