Peppermint Shrimp

donna d

Is it true ya have to keep Peppermint shrimp in groups of 3 or more? The guy at my lfs store told me ya did?Just curious! And if so why? :notsure:


You might be right !!
I had one in my 55 and after about a week he disappeared. I was told that they hide during the day and come out at night but this guy just vanished. I think that if you have more than one they feel a lot safer.


I only have one and he is fine. I don't see a lot of him though. He hides enough for me to think he is dead, but just when I have written him off I catch a glimpse of him.
I do plan to add a couple more, but I don't think it's an absolute requirement that they be kept in groups.


I only have one as well. I have had him for about 2 months now but also plan on getting some more.