Peppermint shrimp!


I am thinking about getting a peppermint shrimp. I also have a Lunare Wrase which means there is a possibility he may eat the little guy! Any one with the same or a similar wrasse that have shrimp in their tank and don't get eaten?

luca brasi

They are the most aggressive thing in any of my tanks. Constantly stealing foods from corals. Little buggers that I hate yet needed.

luca brasi

Originally Posted by zoogrl03
you mean the shrimp are the little buggers or a wrasse!?!? the shrimp steal other foods????
sorry, shrimp. They are so aggressive! I have 4 peps. In my nano they killed any snail that was too small to defend itself. I saw this multiple times. Three are now in my 55 because I had some aptasia show up. For the most part, they did clean it up but, whenever I feed my sun coral, I have to stay there and defend it. Even if I give them food too. Little suckers-LOL!