peppermint shrimp


ive got 2 peppermint shrimp to take care of the aiptasia problem in my tank. ive noticed that they dont move around much. they just sit in one spot all the time. whats the problem?


They are fine , just getting adjusted to there new digs. The one's that I have are kinda shy so I guess that is there nature. They will be a little more active at feeding time. I do have a large cleaner shrimp and I think that the pepps are afraid of the big cleaner.


Mine move around when I am feeding, but that is about it. I find that none of my shrimp are terribly active. Lazy tank...


Active Member
Peppermint shrimp are nocturnal by nature (though they do seem to take a while to get into a schedule), so it's common for them to be innactive during the day.
Peppermints are great for aiptasia - but only if they're hungry - so make sure to not have any other food get down to them.


Active Member
my first pep would come shooting up to the top like the fish did when it was feeding time. this one seems more laid back and lest the food come to him lol mine will come out during the day to where I can see him, but still kind of stays in the shadows