Peppermint shrimp


My 3 peppermint shrimp here in the living room 29 gallon are mating as we speak. Its one of the wierdest things I have seen. They are continually making rounds around the tank and using it as a 'racetrack' of sorts. Pretty nifty


Active Member
its pretty common for shrimps to breed in captivity. being able to keep and raise the larvae are the problem.


LOL...wait till the babies appear.....All of a sudden there will be a burst of them, usually right after lights out
FREE FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lol yes it was a feeding frenzy. Even the yellow watchman abandoned the safety of her burrow with the pistol to make an appearance. Yea I didn't plan to attempt to cultivate the larva. I've bred clownfish, mandarins, and yellow watchmans (hardest by far) and without a species only tank I imagine it would be quite difficult if not impossible to catch much less rear any of the little shrimpies. My breeding days are over. Once the little mandarins are all gone im shutting it down. On a second note I grabbed another 10 gallon from weemarts last night im gonna use for brine. All the green water cultivation + rotifer cultivation + brine cultivation was just too much hastle. Baby mandarins are all eating frozen now so the green water and rotifer stations are about to get shut down as well. Im going to transfer all my brine to this 10 gallon and store the rest of my tanks. Hopefully will be moving before next year.


The first time one of my peps gave "birth" I screamed for my husband....and immediately ran to the computer to post it.....
even now....every time it happens I still find it amazing


Idk if anyone has had this issue with peppermint shrimp but every single one I have ever had has always dug their little pinchers into my skin. I mean it goes deep drawing blood frequently. Everytime I went to move something they would stalk my hand along the rock and jump onto my hand. If I was trying to move a coral or get to a spot to pick up a snail. It was terrible. I felt like I was fighting for my life everytime I went to do anything in my tank. I now wear sleeve length gloves that are insulated and I can't help but find it funny when they jump on them and figure out its nothing but rubber. Serves them right. They may have won many battles but by god I won the war.


Are you kidding? LOL.....I am a big chicken when it come sto stuff, and the peps will climb on my hands and I barely feel a tickle....haha


No im dead serious. Maybe it was something that was soaked in my skin that they didn't like. All those chem labs in college + working with all that medicine I always had to be careful to wash my hands really well before I put them in the tank. Maybe they just didn't like me lol. My wife was my watcher and would scream if they started going for my hands. I would have to fight them back just so I could try to pick something up. Gloves were the best investment I have made thus far. Now I can work away without worry. I say that now and one will prob jump out on my face here pretty soon. They are always in there together scheming. Im sure they are plotting to kill me somehow. I can hear the conversation now.
Shrimp 1 "The big bastard has a new weapon, these covered contraptions are going to be the death of us."
Shrimp 2. "You keep him busy, Ill climb up the powerhead and jump down the sleeve"
Shrimp 3. "Im gonna go eat more hermits so I can piss him off some more"
Pistol Shrimp: "I'll snap all night as loud as possible to annoy him"
Cleaner Shrimp: "Im getting too old for this"

tangs rule

Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob http:///forum/thread/384111/peppermint-shrimp#post_3363819
its pretty common for shrimps to breed in captivity. being able to keep and raise the larvae are the problem.
Ain't that the truth!!! I've had pairs of skunk cleaners mate regulary over the years and i've never been able to keep the larve alive....If I could have, i'd been able to retire - casue at 20 bucks a piece, couple hundred eggs at a time, a new crop every 2 months or so, 3 mated pair in 3 seperate tanks - it would be a living!!