peppermint shrimp


I got a cleanup crew yesterday from ,also with 2 pep. shrimp . When I put them in the tank they went right behind the rocks and I haven't seen them since.Is this typical? Do they hide all day ?


Active Member
They will make themselves known. They are cool to watch. Mine just starts swimming around and I stick my hand in and he will even grab ahold of my fingers.


I just saw one of them eating a hermit crab.I think I need to get rid of them because there is a lot of empty hermit shells so I think they are eating them.


I doubt that cleaner or peppermint shrimp killed any hermits, they would likely just be eating an already dead one.


I have 5 of them and they usually hide. They only come out at night and during feeding time. Drop some shrimp into the tank and atch them come running out of the rock work trying to catch a meal. If you want shrimp that stay more visible, go with cleaners and bloods.


They are really fun to watch. During the day you can catch them hanging upside down on some rock or even moaping around if they are familar with the tank already. Feeding time is fun because they will swim around.

melissa v.

i put two in my tank and didn't see them for about a month, i thought that they had died.
then one day there they were.
>>>>if you cant say something nice, then do not say anything at all.<<<<<<


I bought 3 Peppermints for my tank to clear out Glass Anemones on the LR.
I woke up 1 morning to see one of my Clowns swimming around with one of the shrimps heads in their mouth. Didn't know which fish went after it, my clowns generally left them alone.
Came to find a few days later the last 2 were out and about and my 6-Line started to go after them. I changed the rock work around, the 2 took a home together under 1 rock, they spend the entire day there. When I feed, they will run out and race for food.
They go back to their home and when I flip off the daylights to acintics they will come out and scale the sides of the tank all night.