Peppermint Shrimp


What does everyone know about peppermint shrimp? I was thinking about getting a few. Will they get along with my cleaner? Are they friendly? Any info would be great.
Thanks Jake
get them, they are very nice to everything in your tank. even other shrimp. and very good looking shrimp if you ask me. i would get one or two, there fun :)


i see no problem w/ adding a peppermint w/ a cleaner. i have one, had two but fuzzy dwarf ate hime, and all he does is clean off my rocks.


Active Member
I've got a few as well as two cleaner shrimp.
Their major advantage is they will sometimes eat aptaisia.
Mine hide all day long. I know at least two survived acclimation but they come out rarely. They have been right next to the cleaners on occasion so they seem to get along. My cleaner shrimp are a lot more interactive as they stay out in the open much more.
If you order from this site, for their acclimation they recommend mixing invertebrates together and then starting the drip technique. I did this. 4 shrimp were vigorous before mixing. One of them became somewhat shocked shortly after mixing (before even adding water) and then the next thing I noticed was one of my new scarlet hermit crabs eating one of the shrimp as a snack.
The rest did fine although I am not too sure about the third shrimp after two weeks.


I was getting them because they eat aptaisia. I have an outbreak and can't fint any kalk or pickleing lime any were.


I have 4 peppermints right now and they are cool, but they do have their downside. Mine have eaten an anenome, all my yellow polyps, and will munch on sand critters if you don't feed them enough. On the positive side, they can be neat to watch, breed once a month each (they are hermaphrodites and none of the young will live in a standard tank), and they sometimes move in a pack. If you get one, get three. They like the compnay.