Peppermints in a Fuge


Active Member
I added 5 peppermint shrimp to my fuge with the thought being that the eggs they lay would flow into the main system and provide a treat for the fish.
Now I'm starting to second guess the decision as I'm concerned the peps might be decimating my pod population.
Any thoughts on this?


Active Member
How big is the refuge?? I keep 2 in my 40g refuge for Aiptasia control and have plenty of pods but 5 may be a bit much.


Peps are voratious predators (for shrimp)
. I would seriously consider moving them to your tank as your instincts are right. The egg thing is a good idea, but not a benefit greater than the loss of your pods. IMO, the best fuges lack fish, shrimp and even mysids. DSB and LR with some good ole algae - that's all I do.
Aptasia in your fuge, IMO, isn't a bad thing if you have things like butterflies and pep shrimp in your main tank.


Active Member
28 gallon rubbermaid.
I think it's off to the display tank for them. 2 may be more than safe in that small a space.
Thanks for your input.
Denny......... ever do any shopping at Aquarium Designs in Hoover. Tien has done a great job with that place since he move. :cheer:


Actually, I just talked to him. I'm going there today to drop off a clownfish that has a serious attitude problem and an urchin that has grown a little large for the tank. It's a nice place, though a little $$. He really has a great coral selection.