Perc Clown having a Seizure?


Today i came home to from work to feed my fish. All looked good thru out the tank. After i was done feeding the 2 clown fish mysis shrimp i noticed the one clown was acting like it was having a seizure. Do fish have seizures? What could this be?
Specs on the tank: 55g with 40lbs of ls and 45lbs of lr. Only other tank mates are a lawn mower blenny, and 2 cleaner shrimp. Everything was purchased on thursday feb 22nd.
Levels are:
PH 8.2
Ammonia Between 0 and 0.25 (I can barely tell the colors apart.)
no2 0
no3 10ppm
temp 79
Please Help :help:


Well after my first freak out i did some researching again here on I guess it looks like my clowns are fighting for dominance. I'll keep a close eye on them and see if anything changes.
Any other input would be great. Thanks again.