Perc Clown Not Doing Well!


New Member
Hey guys,
I have two clowns, a sandsifting goby, and a cleaner shrimp. All were fine until I came home this afternoon to find my smaller clown acting lethargic and looking a little paler than usual. He seems to have regained most of his color but is laying on his side now breathing heavily. The edges of his fins appear to be turning clear in some spots.
He doesn't look like he has any slime/coating on him, but I did notice our tank walls have a wierd clear film growing on them that is now floating around the tank. The bigger clown looks healthy and is actively swimming around, except his left eye is now cloudy. They've been in the DT for over two months now and were doing just fine until today. The tank is about 6 months old.
Salinity: 1.024
PH: 8.4
Nitrates: 10 ppm
Nitrites: 0


New Member
Here are some pictures. The first is of the smaller perc clown a few minutes ago and the second is the best picture I could get of the film on the glass. Not sure if they are related!



A 6 month old tank shouldn't have any ammonia at all, especially since it doesn't sound like your tank is too crowded. How big is the tank? Has anything died in there lately that maybe you didn't spot? An invert or something?
EDIT: If this is the 45gal from your profile, a small invert wouldn't cause an ammonia spike unless your filtration system isn't that good.


New Member
Left out a really important bit of information...we had a BTA that got sucked into our filtration system and killed about a week ago. (Completely our fault for not covering the intake) We cleaned out everything we could find ASAP and did multiple water changes.
Does this sound/look like ammonia poisoning?


New Member
Its an Odyssea 45 gallon tank with the built in filtration system. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the type of filter so I'm including a picture :) Doh!


New Member
No carbon, just a Polyfiber pad and a Nitrate Remover pad inside the filter. We did just add the Nitrate Remover padabout 5 day ago.


I would run some carbon after what happened with the anemone.


New Member
Ok thanks, will pick up some tomorrow. Looks like it is too late for the smaller clown, he is now arched on his side breathing heavily. Is .25 ammonia really enough to poison a clownfish so quickly?
The goby/cleaner shrimp both seem to be doing fine, but at this point I have no idea what is going to happen. I feel bad for letting these little guys down!
Thanks for all this advice/help, everyone on these forums are awesome.