perc clowns acting weird


My clowns are usually pretty subdued and just hang out together. this evening the female is zipping all over the tank like a maniac. Whats with that? The male is still pretty calm. looks like he is trying to follow her but he is too lazy.:notsure:


any help here? The male is acting crazy now too. he keeps darting in and out of the rocks and zipping around the tank. in the year I have had them I have never seen this activity before :help:


Active Member
Any changes in water parameters? If not, maybe it's part of mateing ritual? Or they're just "clowning" around. :D


I dunno. water params are steady. today they have calmed down but have taken refuge inside a small cave in the tank. both are hanging out in there. Could this be nesting behavior?


Active Member
I'm far from being an expert, but if nothing is after them it could be possible. Keep an eye on them. :D


the female is still going crazy. last ngith she was zipping back and forth and up and down so hard she was crashing into the glass on the ssides of the tank. then this morning she was just hiding in the rock with the male like nothing was wrong...


reduce the lighting and keep them calm for a few days.
It will only be nesting behaviour if they have an anenome. My maroons have their days, somedays they hate my damsels and chase them all over the tank, other daysmthey are terrifed of them. My personal feeling is they got their name clown fish for a reason!


female is the larger of the 2. I have had them since they were tiny and that was over a year ago. The one grew larger then the other so if my studying is correct that is the female