perc clowns


Ok so on sunday I added 2 perc clowns.. and they are very shy and hide out in thr corner.... anyway one seems to be breathing heavy.. swimming ok tho... the other does not breath hard. When I feed, the one will smell and nibble but not eat the food (omega one flake they dont seem to like it.. any ideas?


Active Member
My 2 Ocellaris clowns did that, when they were new. They would hide in a cave and when I put food into the tank they would bolt up to it smell it, maybe take a bite and when they did they would spit it out. They now eat anything that goes into the tank...they get flakes, a frozen carnivore diet (still has alagea but is mostly carnivore) and an herbivore diet (has sea weed and what not but still has clam and shrimp in it.) They'll eat eventually, just if it's longer than 4 or 5 days then I would start to worry. Good Luck


I agree, give it a few days and keep an eye on them.
Also you could ask the lfs or the site that you got them from what type of food they fed theirs and when. Try and mix some of that food into their diet and they may go for it since its familiar.
Also, if it was wild caught (lfs or website should tell you which) then those tend to take a little while longer to adjust.


well that fish is down.. he started swimmin funny (you all know the drunk fish swim) once that happened I knew it was bad, so after i took an hour nap... he was on the bottom and about 10 of the snails I have were eating him... other one seems to be ok, not breathing hard... still kinda hangin out in the corner tho.. I put activated carbon in today to make sure


Ok so the one fish died yesterday.. he wasnt lookin hot since I put him in.. other than that the other perc seems ok.. no heavy breathing.. but he just hangs in one spot in the corner.. doesnt really want to go anywhere in the tank.. and he wont eat anything.. maybe nibble but spits it out.. im using garlic too.. Ive tried 4 diff. Flake foods.. so whats next... what can I feed him cause he needs to eat, also when is he going to get comftorable in the tank. there is one black and white damsel in there with him, the clown has gone on his side of the tank, and the damsel kinda does his territorial thing.. but nothing harsh.. and the clown couldnt care less


I'm so sorry Bailey. Have you done a check on your water parameters? I wish I could offer you some advice for food. Have you tried calling the LFS to see what they were feeding them? Keep us posted. *crossing fingers for you*


Thanks, no I havent.. I just figured regardless of what they were eating there.. They would eat this if they were hungry.. I bought then sat.. its now tues... is there a chance he still just isnt ready to eat? Anyone?


There is a chance he is stilling getting acclimated and might not eat for another day or two. I know when I first got my clowns acclimated I tried to keep the lights off and keep things very calm around the tank to help ease them in ( this seemed to really help). You are definately doing a good job of keeping an eye on him (keep it up!). What type of food have you tried so far??