perc hosting


Active Member
i was just wondering if i could get any tips on how to make my False Perc host one of my anenomes. I have a pink-tipped, another little bown one i got as a hitchiker. Ive had three clowns before this one, and each of them did host. I was jw if there are any ideas? thanks


Do you have the name of the species of anemone you have?
Beware of little brown anemones could be a pest called aiptasia.


Active Member
Haitian (Condy) anemones are from the Atlantis Ocean, and clownfish are from the Pacific. They are not natural symbionts.
Also, your little brown anemone would probably be a majano anemone. Bubbletip anemones are very rare as hitchhikers.


New Member
Yea I have kind of wondered the same thing because I have to percs and a bubble tip and as far as I know they have never went close to it.