Percula and condi?


Hi I have a condi anemone and a percula clown and I've never thought about my condi hosting but I was wondering if it was possible and does it happen naturally or do I have to do somethin special? The clown usually hang out around the glass...never goes near the live rock I donno why? But nyways is there anything special I have to do? All suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks-Greg


Active Member

Originally posted by TheDocta
Hi I have a condi anemone and a percula clown and I've never thought about my condi hosting but I was wondering if it was possible and does it happen naturally or do I have to do somethin special? The clown usually hang out around the glass...never goes near the live rock I donno why? But nyways is there anything special I have to do? All suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks-Greg

Condies are really not natural hosts for clowns because they come from the Atlantic ocean and the clowns come from the pacific. It could work out sometimes though.
A good trick to use to help them along is to find a picture on the internet or in a book of an anemone hosting a clownfish, tape it to the side of the tank so the picture faces into the tank, and wait.


Ok thanks I've never worked with anemones and clowns together much and didn't know if there was anything special to do to get the condi to host. Thnaks-Greg