percula and white sebea


Just got my percula clownfish one week ago and it still hasnt hosted my white sebea. Does it just take a long time or do they not host white sebeas?


Active Member
May never host. May host right away. May host after a year. Catch my drift?


Yeah, clowns will host pretty much any type of anemone, but that doesn't mean that they will do it right away. Just give it time. My clown hosted my sebea right away actually, but I just got lucky.


Active Member
I have had 2 clowns now and a BTA for over 4 months and my one of my clowns appear to be in love with a big leather I have. Also might have something to do with a anenome crab that I found in my tank as well. Those are very cool crabs.


ok thanx for all the reply, i guess i will just hope it hosts it, my cleaner shrimp actually seem like they like it more they havnt left it since i put them in 2 weeks ago, also if i wanted to put another percula in the tank would it be to late? Because im not sure if they have to be put in together