Percula & B/W Clownfish, Same Tank

Hi all.
I have a 55g tank, relatively new. True Percula's been in there since the beginning, seems to hang around one corner. Looking into adding a Black & White Clownfish soon. If I keep it to just those two clownfish, should there be any problem with the two of them?
There are no anemones in the tank yet since it's new.


Active Member
Just make sure the new addition is smaller. There may be some aggression which can be resolved by turning off the lights for a bit and rearranging the rockwork a little. It can be done, but each fish is different. Do you have other fish in the tank?


Active Member
do they have black true percs? Its not a good idea to mix species so if you want a black ocellaris clown, i wouldn't
Only other fish in the 55g are a Yellow ClownGoby and 2 emerald crabs (used to have 2 Purple Firefish too, but they both kicked the bucket one night).
I think I'm gonna go ahead and get him since I got the prices really cheap here on the website. My consolation for the B/W Clownfish is that I have a 20g hex tank downstairs, so if the two Clownfish really aren't working out, I can just put one downstairs.
Okay everyone, I'll give a progress report since it's been almost 48 hours after the B/W Clown has entered the tank. As I mentioned in the first post, the True Perc stays in one corner, so I purposely put the B/W Clownfish in the opposite side. So what happened? The B/W, who looks like a baby btw, ventured all the way to the other side where the True Perc is. He must have liked seeing another clownfish and decided to hang around him. The True Perc does nip at him occasionally as if to say 'get lost,' but the B/W sticks with him.
I think of it like a movie where a lost little kid finds on a tough guy and no matter what the tough guy does to try and get the little kid to go home and leave him alone, the little kid sticks with him.
The first night I saw the B/W went back to the other side of the tank, but last night he stayed with the other clownfish.
So, all in all, not much fighting going on. Nothing disasterous like I was picturing as the worst case scenario.