Percula + Bulb Tip Anemone, Possible?


is it possible for a true purcula to host a bubble tip anemone? the clown has been in the tank for about two weeks and i havent added the anemone yet. if not, what is an easy anemone that can fit into a 12 gal nano cube dlx? thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigpete
is it possible for a true purcula to host a bubble tip anemone?
Technically, no it's not possible like that. It's the BTA that hosts the percula, not the other way around.
I wouldn't recommend any hosting-species of anemones for a nanocube for two reasons. 1. The tank is too small to keep water parameters stable (unless you're VERY experienced. And 2. there's not enough light on those tanks to support an anemone.
Clowns would often take corals as a host in the absence of an anemone. Try some hairy mushrooms, frogspawn, or xenia instead.


yea i looked at the shrooms at my lfs the other day. im tryin to stick to the easier corals. i have seen some clowns hosting corals and i thought it was pretty cool. i even saw one take to a featherduster on the board!


Active Member
lfs by me had to pink skunks hosting in a feather duster.. it was awesome.
one of my clowns hosted in my veggie clip until i got my bta.